Triglav rose

Triglav rose

The symbol of the Triglav National Park

The Triglav flower is one of the symbols of the Triglav National Park. It is linked to the legend of Zlatorog (Goldenhorn). According to the legend, from every drop of blood of the wounded Zlatorog, a Triglav flower bloomed. When Zlatorog ate these flowers, he healed and recovered.

Triglav rose (Potentilla nitida)

  • up 2 cm, grows in width
Bloomig period
  • July – August
  • Scree, rocky grasslands, rock crevices
  • Most common in the Julian Alps, also found in some parts of the Karawanks and Kamnik-Savinja Alps

  • Plantae

  • Angiosperms
  • Eudicots
  • Rosales
  • Rosaceae

  • Potentilla 
  • Potentilla nitida

The Triglav flower is one of the symbols of the Triglav National Park and is even named after the highest mountain. This pinkish-red plant loves sunny locations.


The pinkish-red flowers bask in the sun in cushion-like clusters on scree, rocky grasslands, or in crevices in the Julian Alps during July and August, less commonly in the Karawanks and Kamnik-Savinja Alps.

The silvery-green leaves are three-parted, serrated at the tips, and folded along their length. The flower stalk has one or two flowers. Each flower has two sets of five sepals and five petals. All the green parts of the plant are covered in silky hairs. The Triglav flower is also known by another name – bleščeči petoprstnik – due to its silky, shiny hairiness.

It is no longer known who first named thbleščeči petoprstnik as the Triglav flower. The inspiration came from the naturalist Hacquet, who mistakenly believed that he had discovered an undescribed flower on Triglav and named it after the highest Slovenian mountain. For Slovenians, this flower will always be the Triglav flower, even though it grows in the high mountain ranges of all the Southern Alps, from Lake Como to Grintovec in the Kamnik Alps.


  1. The Triglav rose is also the name of a regional tourist and nature conservation information center in Bled.