Yellow-bellied toad

Yellow-bellied toad

Little frogs in puddles along the paths

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Toads are small, up to 5 cm long frogs with distinctive orange and black spots on their underside.
  • For most of the year, they stay in the water.
  • On land, they seek refuge under dead wood or stones, where they also hibernate.
  • In spring, males float on the water's surface and attract females with a melodic call: uuu-uuu-uuu. This is also how the species got its name.
  • Tadpoles feed on algae.


  1. Adult toads cannot stick out their tongues like other frogs, so they do not catch flying insects, but those that fall into the water.
  2. When toads feel threatened, they arch their backs and display their warningly colored belly.This alerts predators that they are mildly poisonous and therefore inedible.
  3. The pupils of toads are heart-shaped.
Here’s how frogs develop from eggs: