The breed adapted over centuries to traditional breeding conditions and geographical circumstances. In the second half of the 19th century, it was crossbred with the Pinzgauer breed, which resulted in partial white coloration.
The head of the Cika cattle is typically single-colored, short, and has a broad muzzle. The eyes are large and dark, with a distinct light contrast around them, and the skin above the eyelids is wrinkled. The horns are short, thin, and directed upward, with a light yellow color and brown or dark tips.
The Simmental cattle usually have a yellowish-red to dark brown coat, most often chestnut brown. A narrow white dorsal stripe runs along the back, resembling a belt.
The Cika cattle grow up to 125 cm – measured at the protruding part of the back (so called "viher") – and can reach a weight of up to 450 kilograms. Due to its adaptability, smaller size, and low weight, it is well-suited for breeding in hilly and mountainous areas where pasture and basic feed production are more limited.
Cikasto govedo zraste do 125 cm – merjeno na izbočenem delu hrbta (viher). Doseže tudi 450 kilogramov. Zaradi prilagodljivosti, manjše velikosti in nizke teže je primerna za rejo na hribovskih in gorskih območjih, kjer so slabše možnosti za pašo in pridelavo osnovne krme.