Take a step for cleaner air!

Take a step for cleaner air!

Weather in winter

Traffic, industry, and heating with fossil fuels during the winter months further increase air pollution. Did you know that nearly 130,000 people commute to our capital every day?

Many Slovenian cities are even more exposed to pollution in winter. According to the latest research and recommendations from the World Health Organization, the concentration of PM10 particles is too high throughout Slovenia.


And what are PM10 particles?

The main 'component' of these particles is carbon. Metals, sulfates, nitrates, chlorides, and others attach to it.

The primary sources of these particles are traffic, industry, and individual heating systems with unsuitable heating appliances and fuels.


And why number 10?

Particles are divided according to size. The latter are less than 10 micrometres in diameter - in addition to these, other larger and smaller particles are measured. All of them have harmful effects on our health.

Toxic exhaust fumes are present all year round, but in winter, the pollution levels are much higher, especially in valleys.

Due to INVERSION, cold air is trapped at the bottom of valleys during winter, becoming increasingly polluted. Such inversions can last for weeks before being dispersed by strong winds or precipitation.

We immediately think that the solution is to stay indoors. Partially, this idea is correct, but many studies have shown that POLLUTANT concentrations indoors can be higher than outside.