Slovenian Alpine Museum in Mojstrana

Slovenian Alpine Museum in Mojstrana

Content for teachers and students


presents Slovenian mountaineering, both its history, mountaineering and alpinism today. Mountaineering is already a traditional activity in Slovenia, which began to develop at the same time as elsewhere in the Alpine countries. For our nation, it has played an important role in preserving the Slovenian identity.

The museum is located in Mojstrana, which lies at the foot of Triglav, and from here you can follow the trails to our highest peak. Those who are more experienced in climbing can go through the Vrata valley and then onwards along the north face, while others will find easier access through the Krma valley and from there up to the summit.

Jakob Aljaž, who was a keen mountaineer, came to Dovje as a parish priest towards the end of the 19th century and had a tower built on the top of Triglav, which has remained a symbol of Slovenian identity ever since.


The museum offers interesting guided walks through mountain-themed exhibitions, short entertaining and educational films, puzzles, tasks and creative workshops for everyone who wants to know a little more about our mountains and their rich cultural, natural and historical heritage.

You will be accompanied by Planinko. A friendly, happy and funny boy who knows many interesting facts about mountain history and mountain life. He likes to encourage visitors on their museum journey, inviting them in a pleasant way to various museum events, and other activities. He also enjoys singing and dancing in the company. He observes the etiquette of mountaineering, which is in many ways the same as that of the museum. He is a true mountaineer and museum-goer and, of course, a loyal friend of the Slovenian Alpine Museum.