Screes in the Triglav National Park

Screes in the Triglav National Park

Habitats in Triglav National Park

The rocks are continuously eroding, creating scree. Scree is formed by the accumulation of rock rubble that falls from the cliffs due to mechanical weathering of the rocks and unstable soil.
On average, several hundred kilograms or even up to several tonnes of material change position in a single day.


Marshes are very challenging for plant survival. Plants have adapted in different ways. Their long and branched root system allows them to anchor themselves on unstable terrain. They react to being buried by elongating their peduncles and have developed a thicker epidermis to resist damage. Many species are also very easy to root.

On scree bogs, the Round-leaved Mosswort is found in association with the July Poppy. They are also accompanied by Alpine madrone and Rhaetian poppies.

Chamois and ibex are also common grazers.