Stone buildings in the coastal region

Stone buildings in the coastal region

The diversity of buildings on the coastal side of the Julian Alps

On the coastal side of the Triglav National Park and the Julian Alps, houses and other buildings are at first glance different from those in Gorenjska.

The main difference between houses in Gorenjska and Primorska is that in Gorenjska, more wood is used in construction, while in Primorska, more stone is used.

Two cultures are intertwined: Alpine and Mediterranean - one could also say Highland and Primorska. But even in Primorska, the houses around Kobarid and Tolmin are different from those in Trenta and around Bovec. Experts distinguish between two Alpine building types in the Primorska region: the Kobarid-Tolmin building type and the Bovec-Trentino building type, based on their common characteristics. The building types are also intertwined due to their contact with other areas.




The closer we get to the sea from the Alps, the milder the winters and the roofs are less steep. In Kobarid and Tolmin, roofs have a lower pitch. Traditionally, they were covered with thatch. They also have characteristic porches - external corridors along the longer side of the façade, but they are different from those in Gorenjska. The details show that we are close to the Mediterranean area: stone portals, window frames, external staircases... The houses are often set into the hillside because of the undulating terrain. The residential part is separated from the stables and haylofts. The latter are also not under the same roof, as is the case in Bohinj.

In the Tolmin-Kobarice area, there are also isolated farms - complexes, which you will not find in Gorenjska. On the mountains, the buildings are made of stone. Because there is more snow in the mountains, the roofs of the mountain houses are steep and the buildings often stand in rows.


Here, too, the buildings are predominantly brick. The residential part of the building is mostly located above the stables. The houses have steep roofs and gables at the ends. They are covered with wooden shingles. They have a typical arrangement of rooms: sleeping room - black kitchen with a vestibule/'house' - chamber.

Sheep are the main grazers on the Bovec mountains. Typical shepherd's buildings combine stables and hay sheds with a small house - they are called prestaje. A separate chimney stands next to the living area (the kitchen).